五年级下册外研版英语《Module7 Unit1》教学设计教案免费下载
五年级下册外研版英语《Module7 Unit1》教学设计教案免费下载第2页

1. 掌握一般现在时的句型结构,注意引导学生注意主语为第三人称是,动词的变化。

2. 引导学生复述课文。


Step 1 Warming up

1. Greetings.

2. Review the time.

T:Today,Let's learn module 7 Unit 1

My father goes to work at eight o'clock every morning. (学生读标题。)

What time is it?( 学生回答,然后继续说接下来的几个时间。)

Step 2 Task presentation(缩小幻灯片,出示活动1)

出示活动一的图画, 问 what's the time?(学生回答)Who are they?(学生回答)老师告诉大家:Tomorrow,Mr Smart will take Amy and Sam to the park.when will they go?Let's have a look.

教师播放动画,学生看完后,教师出示问题:when will they go?( 学生回答:At half past seven) But Amy listened to the wrong time-half past eleven(在说的时候,教师写出seven 和eleven。让学生比较这两个单词。)Yes,because they are similar.

Listen and repeat ,then act it out.
