Unit12 What did you do last weekend教学设计教案免费下载13
Unit12 What did you do last weekend教学设计教案免费下载13第3页

B: He studied for the English test.

A: where did Carol go?

B: She went to a farm.

   Ask some questions who, what or where, another student answers.


Predict the grammar focus and finish exercises.


  在2c 的对话语言的输出时,教师应就who, what 和 where 的三个问句做出范例,让学生能够明确这一步的目的与重点,之后再让学生根据要求进行对话输出,这样一方面是对所学知识的运用,一方面是对grammar focus 重点知识点的铺垫,效果应该会更好一点。



Teaching goals:

Ss can describe their school weekend life.

Ss can master the usage of what, who, where.

Ss can make up their own dialogue by practicing with deskmate.

Teaching Important Points:

Ss can use the past tense to expess their school weekend life.

Ss can finish the exercises in 3a by using the past tense.

Teaching Difficult Points: