【步步为营】2018-2019学年外研版高一英语必修二学案:module1《our body and healthy habits-vocabulary
【步步为营】2018-2019学年外研版高一英语必修二学案:module1《our body and healthy habits-vocabulary第2页


Put the following sentences into Chinese.

1. She didn't eat much dinner because she is on a diet now.


2. The doctor told him to take a fat-free diet


Key for reference



2. fit:

(1).adj. in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise; suitable or suited for sb/sth; good enough for sb/sth. 健康的;适宜的;合适的


Don't you feel fit? 你身体状况不好吗?

The water isn't fit to drink.这水不适合喝。

(2). vi, vt to be the right size and shape for someone or something; to put a small piece of equipment into a place, or a new part onto a machine, so that it is ready to be used合适;安装


This jacket fits her well.她的夹克非常合身。

She fitted a new lamp in her bedroom.她在卧室安装了一盏新灯。


keep fit 保持健康

be fit for.../be fit to do...适合做......


My grandfather keeps fit by taking a walk every day. 我祖父通过每天散步来保持健康。

What kind of job is he fit for? 他适合做什么样的工作?

(4).词语辨析:fit 和suit


②fit 作形容词时,可与suitable(合适的)互换,be fit for/to do...=be suitable for/to do...。