【名师指导】2018-2019学年牛津译林版 高一英语必修一教案Unit1 School life
【名师指导】2018-2019学年牛津译林版 高一英语必修一教案Unit1 School life第2页


  1.What is the difference between our school year and theirs?



  【答案】 We have different terms. There are usually two terms in our school year while in both Australia and France, they have four terms and Japan has three.

  2.Do you think our present school year is good or not, and why?



  【答案】 It is hard to say good or bad because different countries lie in different time zones, they enjoy different holidays and different schools.

  3.Do you want to know the school life in the UK?Why or why not?



  【答案】 Yes. Because the school life in the UK interests me very much./No. Because I have no interest in the school life there. It's none of my business.