1. In some areas in Shanxi Province, this has destroyed almost all the land ...
2. This helps to develop local economies.
3. Just think: all this started with 5 yuan!
以上句子中的this是代词,指代前面提到的事情。句1中this指代前一句中的"serious erosion of the land"; 句2中this 指代前面两句提到的 "local farmers can grow crops to make a living"和 "With the money they earn from their crops, farmers buy goods or services";句3中this指代前面提到的植树计划所取得的成绩。由此可以看出,要想理解this指代的内容,必须联系上下文。同时,这也是阅读中经常用到的一种策略。
① this可以有启下的作用,意为"以下所述,如下"。如:
Now, listen to this.
This is going to surprise you.
② this还可以用于口语中,具体为:
a) 用于介绍某人。如: Sam, this is my sister, Liz.
b) 打电话用语。如:This is Joan speaking.
③ this也可以作副词,相当于so。如:
The table's about this high and this wide.
You need to cut about this much off the end of the pipe.