2018-2019学年高二英语人教版选修6学案:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Grammar 虚拟语气(2) Word版含解析
2018-2019学年高二英语人教版选修6学案:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Grammar 虚拟语气(2) Word版含解析第2页


  If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily. (2017·全国卷Ⅰ)


  If you had come earlier, you could have caught the bus.


  [名师点津] (1)在与过去事实相反的虚拟语气中,可以将条件句中的if省略,把助动词had提前。

  If I had worked hard, I would have surely succeeded.

  →Had I worked hard, I would have surely succeeded.


  (2)句型"Had it not been for ..."意为"当时要不是......"。

  Had it not been for your timely help, we would have been lost in the forest.




  ①(2017·北京高考改编)If the new safety system had been put to use, the accident would never have happened.


  ②(2015·北京高考改编)If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.


  ③(2013·重庆高考改编)-It rained cats and dogs this morning. I'm glad we took an umbrella.

  -Yeah, we would have got wet all over if we hadn't.




  ①(2015·江苏高考改编)It might have saved me some trouble if I had known the schedule.

  →It might have saved me some trouble had I known the schedule.

  ②If he had caught the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting.

  →Had he caught the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting.


