【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World 语法被动语态2
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World 语法被动语态2第3页

1. -Why did you leave that position?

-I a better position at IBM.

A. offer B. offered C. am offered D. was offered

2. More than a dozen students in that school abroad to study medicine last year.

A. sent B. were sent C. had sent D. had been sent

3. Millions of pounds' worth of damage by a storm, which swept across the north of England last night.

A. has been caused B. had been caused C. will be caused D. will have been caused

4. Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which the Pacific, and we met no storms.

A. was called B. is called C. had been called D. has been called

5. The policeman's attention was suddenly caught by a small box which placed under the Minister's car.

A. has been B. had been C. was being D. would be

6. -How are the team playing?

-They are playing well, but one of them hurt.

A.got B. gets C. are D. were

7. -How long at this job?

-Since 1990.

A. were you employed B. have you been employed

C. had you been employed D. will you be employed

8. -George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?

-No, I . Did they have a big wedding?

A. was not invited B. have not been invited

C. hadn't been invited D. didn't invite

9. I can't see any coffee in this cupboard. ?

A. Has it all finished B. Was it all finished

C. Has it all been finished D. Did it all finish

10. Don't get that ink on your shirt, for it .

A. won't wash out B. won't be washed out

C. isn't washing out D. doesn't wash out

11. If the building project by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company fired.

A. will be completed; is to be B. to be completed; will be

C. being completed; will be D. completed; was