英语:Unit1 Getting along with others-Word power学案(牛津译林版必修5)
英语:Unit1 Getting along with others-Word power学案(牛津译林版必修5)第1页

Unit1 Getting along with others-Word power学案


1. 觉得被......出卖 feel betrayed by

2. 对......感到很羞愧 be ashamed of

3. 对......感到嫉妒 be jealous of

4. 得最低分 get the lowest mark/ score the lowest mark

5. 意识到出了差错 sense sth wrong

6. 一定故意告诉过某人有关......的情况 must have deliberately told someone

7. 承认做过某事 admit doing / admit having done

8. 下定决心要振作起来 be determined to be cheerful

9. 径直走向某人 go straight to sb

10. 信守诺言 keep one's word

11. 处于进退两难的境地 be in a dilemma of

12. 朝某人大喊大叫 shout at sb / yell at sb

13. 有良好的表现 have a great performance

14. 变成一场可怕的争论 become an awful / a terrible argument

15.不能忍受...... can't bear / stand...

16. 避免做某事 avoid doing

17. 因为某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb for sth

18. 当众使某人难堪 make sb embarrassed/ embarrass sb in public

19.不要让小小的争论毁了你们的友谊 don't let the disagreement ruin your friendship

20. 问题在你身上, 而不是她 the problem lies with you instead of her

21. 尽力做某事 play to one's strengths

22. 打消某人做某事的念头 discourage sb from doing sth

23. 对于友谊有不同的观点 have different opinions / attitudes towards friendship

24.毫不犹豫地 with hesitation

25. 进行一项调查 carry out / conduct a survey

26. 专注于谈话中 be absorbed in conversation

27.以......为基础 be based on