2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4优化教案:Unit 12 Section Ⅵ Lesson 4
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4优化教案:Unit 12  Section Ⅵ Lesson 4第3页






  Host:Sounds tasty!

  George:And kangaroos are tasty too! In Melbourne, the only place we ever see kangaroos is on the menu in a restaurant.You mainly see kangaroos in the vast⑲ area of desert in the middle of Australia.This is a great place for camping but you have to look out for⑳ snakes and spiders - Australia has some of the most dangerous in the world.

  Host:So do many people live in the desert?

  George:Not really.There are people who work in the mines\s\up1(21(21),of course.Australia actually exports\s\up1(22(22) the most diamonds and coal in the world!And there are also a lot of sheep farms in the desert areas - in fact, I've heard that there are seven sheep for every person.But most Australians live on the coast. That's why\s\up1(23(23) surfing is such a popular sport.

  Fiona:But it's not the only sport Australians are fond\s\up1(24(24) of\s\up1(25(25).Because the weather's so good,Australians like being outdoors\s\up1(26(26).Walking,fishing,horse­riding,tennis,golf and sailing are all popular\s\up1(27(27).We take sport very seriously\s\up1(28(28) and have produced great Olympic swimmers and top cyclists.

  Host:So is Australia all about beach barbecues and surfing?What about art and literature\s\up1(29(29)?

  George:Contrary\s\up1(30(30) to popular belief,Australia is not a dull\s\up1(31(31) place at all for people wanting culture\s\up1(32(32).There's a really lively\s\up1(33(33) cultural scene here.Australia has produced some famous painters and world­class writers.



  ⑳look out for当心,小心

watch out for当心,小心