2019学年度人教版选修7 Unit 3Under the sea Period4 Grammar教案(2页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修7 Unit 3Under the sea Period4 Grammar教案(2页word版)第2页

The whole classroom having been cleaned ,the students went home happily.

3. 在want,need,deserve,require,repay,bear,take等动词及形容词worth后,习惯用动词-ing的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于"to be done"。如:

The house wants cleaning.这房屋需要打扫。

My watch needs repairing.我的手表需要修理。

The way deserves m entioning.这个方法值得一提。

These young trees will require looking after carefully.这些小树需要细心照顾。

The film is worth seeing.这 部影片值得一看。


1. The hotel which is being built now beside the park was designed by a group of youn g men.

2. The little girl was eventually aware that her parents abandoned her in the mountainous village.

. He would come if we don't invite him.(without)

4. After he had been examined several times, he was told to be healthy.

5. I noticed that some people were taken to the police station.

Complete the sentences below with the passive -ing form of the verbs in brackets.

1 James was afraid of _____________ (attack) by sharks.

2 _________________ (hold up) in the water by Old Tom, James was confident he would survive.

3 _____________ (include) in the hunt was a great thrill for Clancy.

4 _____________ (accept) by the whalers, the killers were able to get a good feed from the whale.

5 Clancy didn't mind ___________ (tell) what to do.

6 __________________ (help out) by the killer whales, the whalers were able to make a successful kill.

7 The children enjoyed __________ (take) to the aquarium.

8 It seemed the sea lion didn't mind ________ (photograph) with the tourists after all.

9 "In fact, the chances of anybody _____________ (swallow) by a whale are rather lo w," said the researcher.