2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4练习学案:Unit 10课时跟踪练(五) Lesson 4
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4练习学案:Unit 10课时跟踪练(五) Lesson 4第2页

  8.The police went_through_the_whole_building (仔细检查了整座大楼) but didn't find anything valuable.


  Remote Headphones

  These fantastic headphones from Philips have no wires. You can listen to your favourite programmes 1.while you are walking round the house or garden!You can listen to 2.relaxing (relax) music in the bath!Excellent value 3.at:£80.45.

  Mini Camera

  4.Interested (interest) in photography?Fujiko has produced a new mini camera - the advanced 1001ix.It is no 5.bigger (big) than a credit card!It is 6.convenient (convenience) and very reliable. The Mini Camera is not expensive either!

  Special Jewellery For Your Ears

  These are gold and attractive. They are also useful in many 7.noisy (noise) situations. Thousands of satisfied customers!

  Feline Floor Cleaner

  Are you worried about the state of your house 8.or flat? Here is the perfect 9.solution (solve). Put the floor cleaners on your cat,and sit back and relax. The cleaners are very practical and easy 10.to_wash (wash). Special offer - complete set for only £5.99.


  为了提高产量,我们工厂引进了许多电子(electronic)设备。起初,许多老工人发现操作新设备很难(find it adj. to do)。因此,他们便集中注意力(focus on)向年轻工人学习如何操作它们。在他们熟悉了电脑上的所有信号(signal)之后,他们觉得操作新设备并不比操作老设备难(no more adj. than)。换句话说,他们发现新设备很容易操作(be adj. to do)。




  This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a__1__effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know__2__but whose actions gave a new__3__to the words - kind and generous.

I was walking down a busy street on a cold, windy day in early__4__. A homeless man,probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes, was__5__for change on a street corner.