recalled on many occasions; and one repetition minimizes 6.______
the likelihood of remembering. Furthermore, the subsequent use 7.______
of the new material is likely to take place in a variety of contexts
and, so, the material becomes related to a narrower range of other material. 8.
Because of all this, the material is rapidly learned, long retained,
and recalled with increasingly readiness in a variety of 9._____
contexts. Without really trying, the person had fulfilled a 10._____
few important conditions of effective learning.
Most families in China hoped their single children will have 1. _________
a happy future, so they are very strict in their children. So are 2. _________
teachers in schools! Many children are giving so much homework 3. _________
that they have hardly any spare time have sports. The children 4. _________
are forbidden to do nothing but study. No wonder there 5. _________
are so many children are tired of lessons. Some even attack 6. _________
or kill their parents and teachers! I believe many people already 7. _________
read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines. Shouldn't 8. _________
we draw a lesson from the accident? Now our government 9. _________
is making out a plan to solve the education problems. 10._________