原创《Module8 Unit1 Is it a monster》教案教学设计免费下载
原创《Module8 Unit1 Is it a monster》教案教学设计免费下载第5页

what it is.

S1:Is it a ...?


Step 3: Practice

1. Finish the task in pairs.

Now we will play a game "看谁猜得准?" 。T:(老师把一样东西藏在身后)Can you guess?

S1: Is it a...?

T: Yes. /No.Now work in pairs.

S2: Is it a...?

S1: Yes. /No..

Choose some best students come to the front to act .

Step 4: Consolidation

1)Open the Activity Book, listen and circle.

2) "找朋友游戏" :教师手持礼物盒,边走边唱:Looking for, looking for, looking for my friends.唱完之后停在一个学生面前,让学生猜老师手中盒子里的东西。如果学生猜中了,老师就说:Oh, you are my friend.(老师解释friend的意思并与这个学生握手。)

3)T:What have we learnt today?Read the words on the blacboard.

Step 5: Assignment

1.Look! This is today's homework.

1)Listen to the tape then read Unit 1 for three times.