2.estimate n.& vt. 估计,估算
3.imply vt. 暗示;意味着
4.due to 因为,由于
5.extensive adj. 广泛的,全面的
1.Why does the number of languages climb steadily over the course of the twentieth century?
2.What is the authoritative number of languages?
【答案】 1.Because our understanding of the number of languages increases constantly. 2.6,809.
Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading-Preparing
1.________ n. 词汇
2.________ adv. 现在,如今
3.________ vi. 组成,构成
4.________ n. 混合,混合体
5.________ vt. 养育,培养;举起; 增加,提高; 筹募;提及
6.________ adv. 因此,所以
7.________n. 过程;进程
8.________n. 区别,差别
9.________ n. 口音,腔调;着重点
10.________ vt. 替换,代替,取代