2018-2019学年外研版高二英语必修五学案:Module 1 Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)
2018-2019学年外研版高二英语必修五学案:Module 1 Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ)第1页

  Section Ⅳ Language Points(Ⅱ) (IntegratingSkills & Cultural Corner )

  [教 材 语 篇 细 研]

  第一步 细读--把控文章关键信息


  1.Which of the following can replace the word "represent" in the first paragraph?

  A.stand for       B.present

  C.take D.use

  2.What can we know about Noah Webster in the text?

  A.He graduated from Yale University in 1788.

  B.He once worked as a lawyer.

  C.He fought against the British in the war of Independence.

  D.He is popular among the British.

  3.Which one is not the reason for writing an American dictionary?

  A.In English the spelling of words does not always represent the sound.

  B.Some British words have too many letters.

  C.Webster thought the newly independent United States should have a distinctive "American" look.

  D.The British dictionaries are not good.

  4.Which is TRUE for American Dictionary of the English Language?

  A.It first appeared in 1818.

  B.The British also like it very much.

  C.It introduced lots of new American words.

  D.It is not popular nowadays.

  【答案】 1-4 ACDC

  第二步 精读--能力升华 接轨高考
