T: Very good. It is the famous remark from Hamlet - a masterpiece of Shakespeare. Others?
S: My dream is to become a teacher.
S: To live like this is to enjoy life.
S: The greatest happiness is to work for the happiness of all.
T: Good. Since you have understood this point, let's go on with next point-the infinitive used as object. Look at this sentence:
Show the students the following sentence.
I want to see the manager right now. T: In this sentence, the infinitive to see is used as the object of the verb want. There are many such verbs which use the infinitive as object.
Show the following verbs to the students.
afford, agree, aim, appear, arrange, bother, care, claim, condescend, consent, decide, demand, determine, endeavor, fail, guarantee, happen, hasten, hesitate, hope, learn, long, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, proceed, promise, propose, prove (= turn out), refuse, seem, tend, threaten, trouble, undertake, volunteer, etc. T: You should try to remember these words. They are commonly used. Now I'd like you to make sentences by using some of the words.
S: He claimed to be an expert.
S: I managed to reach the top of the hill.
S: I know you're only pretending to trust me!
S: She failed to explain the problem clearly.
T: Very good. But you should pay attention to the verbs of perception, such as see, hear, listen to, notice, observe... and also make and let. These verbs are followed by zero infinitives. Look at these sentences.
Show the students the following sentences.
1. He saw her fall from the cliff.
2. Her parents let her stay out late.