【高效联动】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修4学案设计: Module3 Body language and Non-verbal Communication
【高效联动】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修4学案设计: Module3 Body language and Non-verbal Communication第1页

年级 :高一 科目 :英语

Book 4 Module 3 Body language and Non-verbal Communication



1. on guard __________________

2. make a deal __________________

3. hold up __________________

4. give away __________________

5. mind reader __________________

read one's mind __________________

6. lift up __________________

7. up and down __________________

8. by accident __________________

9. say hello to __________________

10. in communication with __________________

11. communicate sth. with sb. __________________

communicate sth. to sb. __________________

12. be/get involved in ... __________________...

13. be conscious of __________________

14. stare at __________________

15. __________________ 将A介绍给B

16. __________________ 和某人握手

17. __________________ 在远处

18. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. __________________

19. think of __________________

20. more than __________________

21. propose / drink / make / a toast to ... __________________

22. ask sb. a favor __________________

23. on earth __________________

24. in competition with ... __________________


1. 无论多忙,他每周都回家一次看看他的妈妈。(however)


2. 如果她不想透露她的秘密,所有人都不能看穿她的心思。
