Unit8 It must belong to Carla教学设计教案免费下载7
Unit8 It must belong to Carla教学设计教案免费下载7第1页

课 堂 教 学 设 计 表

章节名称 Unit8 It must belong to Carla. Section A 1a-2c 计划学时 1 教学目标 本节课教学目标:

1.词汇: whose, truck, rabbit, picnic, belong to, hair band

2. 目标语言:

(1) -Whose book is this?

-It must be Mary's. J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer.

(2) The hair band must belong to Linda.

The hair band must be Linda's.

It could be a dog.

It also might be two girls . 学

述 知识点

编 号 学习

目标 具 体 描 述 语 句





情感态度和价值观 单词:whose, truck, rabbit, picnic, belong to, hair band

句型:(1) -Whose book is this?

-It must be Mary's. J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer.

   (2) The hair band could / might belong to Linda.

The hair band could / might be Linda's.

The comer can't be a thief.



(2)培养学生合作意识。 项 目 内 容 解 决 措 施 教学重点 词汇方面:

whose, truck, rabbit, picnic, belong to, hair band


Whose book is this?

The hair band must belong to Linda.

It could /might be a dog.

The comer can't be a thief. 1.词汇自学,不用刻意去讲解,唯一词汇难点belong to在运用中掌握。

2. 听力和练习巩固重点句型。 教学难点 1.语言功能:准确运用must , might/could ,can't表达推断。

2.相关写作: 根据词组提示,写几句话来猜测是谁在敲门,写出理由。 通过直观形象的图片及猜测游戏突出显示难点,在游戏中突破难点。