免费下载《Robots will do everything》教案教学设计
免费下载《Robots will do everything》教案教学设计第2页





robot 、everything、 one day、housework 、learn、 our


One day, robots will do everything.

They will do our homework.

And they will help children learn.



(2)能运用"will"来描述即将发生的事情。 六、教学重点、难点

重点:1. 掌握句型One day, robots will do everything.No,they won't和单词robot、one day,will 、learn等

   2. 能运用"will"来描述即将发生的事情。


能运用"will"来描述即将发生的事情。 七、教学准备:

录音机、课文朗读带、教学图片 八、教学过程

Step 1 Warming up and Lead in


1、T: Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Fan.

 1. Look at the picture on the screen.

T: Who's it? Ss: It's Sam.

T:Sam can ride a bike.(引出活动1内容)

2、Look at the flash and find "What can Amy do?,

3Chant together.

Step 2 presentation

  1. Look at the picture on the screen.

  T: Today, a new friend comes to our class .look! This is a robot.

  Show the word card (robot; robots) and practice reading.


 2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

T: Have you got a robot? Oh! No, you haven't. But our good friend Daming has got a robot. Let's take a look. Open your books and turn to page 14. What can Daming's robot do? 大屏出示 Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

T: What can Daming's robot do?

 Write the sentences on the blackboard: It can walk/ talk .Boys and girls and read individually.

3. Listen and underline.

  T: Yes, the robots are wonderful. In Sam's mind , robots will do more things one day. Show the word card (one day, everything) and practice reading.

Now listen and underline the sentences beginning with "will " (大屏出示)

  Get them to say.

  One day, robots will do everything.

  They will do the housework .

  And they will help children learn.

  Oh, they will do our homework too.

  讲解 will的用法。


  What's the answer of Daming?

  No, they won't.学习won't 含义,让学生了解Robots can't do everything.


 Step 3 Practice

 1 Listen to the tape again, after listening, fill in the blanks.

• What will robots do one day?

  One day, robots will do ___.

  They ___ do the housework .

  And they will help children ___.

  Oh, they ___ do our homework too.

• No, they ____.

 2 Let's read after the tape. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

Read the text in roles.

3. 欣赏舞蹈,情感教育


Step 4 summary

  Today we learned "It will"句型以及情态动词"can"描述动作


  画一个机器人,并使用"This is .. It can . It will 等句型进行描述。