2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 1A Land of diversityPeriod2Language points学案(4页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修八Unit 1A Land of diversityPeriod2Language points学案(4页word版)第2页

7.It suddenly ________ to me that this man might be a cheater.

A.happened B.turned out

C.occurred D.came about

答案与解析:C It occurred to sb. that...某人突然想起。句意:我突然想起这个人可能是个骗子。

8.Most film directors can have a proper ________ to public opinions on their films.

A.reaction B.role

C.imagination D.idea

答案与解析:A reaction(to)对......的反应。句意:大部分导演对于公众对他们电影的看法反应恰当。role"角色";imagination"想象";idea"观点"。

9.He didn't ________ what I read because his mind was on something else.

A.hold on B.catch on

C.take in D.get over

答案与解析:C take in 理解。hold on(打电话时)不要挂断;catch on 明白,作不及物动词用,catch on to 懂得,明白,作及物动词用;get over 克服。

10.(2011•胶州诊断)He's an intelligent boy. He ________ made such a foolish mistake.

A.can't have B.may not have

C.might not have D.mustn't have


11.Look!There are ________ grazing over there.

A.two cattles B.two head of cattle

C.two cattle D.two heads of cattle

答案与解析:B cattle是牛的总称,集合名词,two head of cattle两头牛是固定短语。

12.Their ________ grief turned to crazy laughter in a minute.

A.apparent B.crazy

C.stable D.invaluable

答案与解析:A apparent表示"显然的,外观上的"。句意:他们那假意的哀伤很快就变成了一阵阵狂笑。crazy"疯狂的;狂热的";stable"稳定的";invaluable"无价的"。

13.-Oh,dear. What happened?

-I ________ on the shiny floor and fell.

A.skipped B.jumped

C.attacked D.slipped

答案与解析:D slip"滑倒"。答句句意:我滑倒在发亮的地板上了。skip"跳跃";jump"跳跃";attack"攻击"。

14.The digging will seem easier if you divide up the garden by marking ________ small sections with your spade(铲子).

A.down B.up

C.out D.with

答案与解析:C mark out"划线标出......的界限"。

15.The agreement indicates that the two companies will

________ with each other again.