Cultural relics are physical reminders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. Without these relics, we could not cherish cultural traditions as much or appreciate the lives of the people who practiced those traditions. Although we may not often consider it, cultural relics are not only the possession of one culture. In a larger sense, it can be said that they belong to all peoples. For these reasons, this unit describes cultural relics not from China but other places. Looking at it from another angle, it can also be said that cultural relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic, regardless of whether the same hands created many examples of it, is still a unique cultural expression and contribution.
II. The cultural relics of China in the world heritage site list《世界文化遗产名录》中的30处中国文遗产
◆Mount Taishan(泰山),listed as a world cultural and natural site in 1987.
◆The Great Wall(长城),cultural site, 1987.
◆The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang(北京故宫、沈阳故宫),cultural site, 1987,2004.
◆The Mogao Caves(敦煌莫高窟),cultural site,1987.
◆The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors(泰始皇陵及兵马俑坑),cultural site,1987.
◆The Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian(周口店北京猿人遗址),cultural site,1987.
◆Mount Huangshan(黄山),cultural and natural site,1990.
◆The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area(九寨沟风景名胜区),natural site,1992.
◆The Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area(黄龙风景名胜区),natural site,1992.
◆The Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area (武陵源风景名胜区),natural site,1992.
◆The Mountain Resort and its Outline Temple, Chengde(河北承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙),cultural site,1994.
◆The Temple and Cemeter of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu (曲阜孔府、孔庙、孔林),cultural site,1994.
◆The Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains(武当山古建筑群),cultural site,1994.
◆Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa(西藏布达拉宫),cultural site,1994.
◆The Lushan National Park(庐山),cultural site,1996.
◆Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area(峨眉山一乐山大佛风景名胜区),cultural and natural site.1996.
◆The Ancient City of Pingyao(平遥古城),cultural site,1997.
◆The Classical Gardens of Suzhou(苏州园林),cultural site,1997.
◆The Old Town of Lijiang(丽江古城),cultural site,1997.
◆The Summer Palace(颐和园),cultural site,1998.
◆The Temple of heaven:an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing(天坛),cultural site,1998.
◆Dazu Rock Carvings(大足石刻),cultural site, 1999.
◆Mount Wuyi(武夷山),cultural and natural site,1999.
◆Mount Qincheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System(青城山一都江堰),cultural site,2000.
◆Aucient Villages in Southern Anhui-Xidi and Hongcun(安徽古村落一西递、宏村),cultural site,2000.
◆Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟),cultural site,2000.
◆Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties(明清皇家陵寝),cultural site 2000.
◆Yungang Grottoes(云冈石窟),cultural site,2001.
◆Three Parallel Rivers of Yunan Protected Areas,natural site(三江并流),2003.
◆Capital cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom(高句丽的王城、王陵和贵族墓葬),cultural site,2004.