免费下载六年级下册外研版英语公开课《Module5 Unit1》教案
免费下载六年级下册外研版英语公开课《Module5 Unit1》教案第2页

 2.Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.




Step 1.Warming-up

1. Greetings

2. Sing a song:london bridge is falling down.

Step 2.Presentation

T: A guessing game for you.guys. Are you ready?

S: Yes

T: Let's go. Look,what is this?

S: football?

T: No, try again. I will give you some glues,listen.

  S: phone!

  T: That's right.

 (播放电话声音,引出句子The phone rings again/ for the third time. )

 仿照以上方式.学习唢呐和门铃.suona, bell, play,ring等,并在后面几道猜猜看他们正在做什么中复习现在进行时时态,有助于学生课文的学习和掌握.

Step 3.Text-learning

A.Daming is having a birthday party,(板书同时手机响)

T:What's happening when Daming is having a birthday party?

S: The phone is ringing .


一:Listen and do

1.划出带有 "but" 的句子

2.重点跟读短文中含有"--ing" 的句子。

二:Listen and answer.

Listen to the tape, then answer the questions:

1. Who is the birthday party for?

2. What is Daming doing?

3. What is happening when Dming is playing the trumpet?