2018-2019学年度人教版必修二Unit2 The Olympic Games-reading教案 (2)
2018-2019学年度人教版必修二Unit2 The Olympic Games-reading教案 (2)第1页

科目:英语 教师 授课时间:第 周 星期 年 月 日

单元(章节)课题 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 本节课题 Warming up and Pre-reading 课标要求 Students can know some background information of the Olympic Games and talk about the Olympic Games 三维目标 1.Make students aware of how to talk about background information of the Olympic Games.

2.Train the students' speaking ability by describing,talking and discussion.

3.Teach them how to define ideas in English. 学情分析 Students have known a lot about the Olympic Games in Chinese, so in this part the teacher should teach the students how to describe the Olympic Games in English correctly. 教学重难点 Teach the students how to talk about the Olympic Games correctly. 提炼的课题 What the Olympic Games is? 教学手段运用

教学资源选择 textbook workbook a short video about the Olympic Games. 教 学 过 程 环节 学生要解决的问题或任务 教师教与学生学 设计意图