2019届译林版高考英语选修八课堂讲义:Unit 2 课时跟踪练(二) Welcome to the unit & Reading Language points Word版含答案
2019届译林版高考英语选修八课堂讲义:Unit 2 课时跟踪练(二) Welcome to the unit & Reading Language points Word版含答案第3页

  C.doesn't dare; dare D.dare not; dares

  解析:选B dare既可作情态动词,也可用作实义动词。当dare为情态动词时,其后可以加not构成否定式;当dare为实义动词时,助动词可用do或does,本题中,第一个空可用doesn't dare(dare为实义动词)或daren't (dare为情态动词);第二个空可用does或dare。

  8.I can't go to the cinema with you as there are too many things ________ my attention at once.

  A.demanded B.demanding

  C.being demanded D.having demanded

  解析:选B 句意:我不能和你一起去看电影,因为有太多事情需要我立即处理。demanding ...为现在分词短语作后置定语。



  Hunter Haire, 19, together with his five friends went home from their college last January in his SUV (运动型多用途车). Around 10 pm, they __1__ his friend's home and headed for a party near their __2__ high school in Lake Mary, Florida. __3__ they'd driven on the streets for many times, they couldn't find the house where the __4__ would be held, and Haire's iPhone GPS wasn't __5__.

  __6__, he pulled in a parking spot facing a small __7__ to see if his SUV's GPS could help. Just then, Haire's friend Zac Sawin, 19, glanced up from the back seat and saw a pair of __8__ shining with a soft light from the water about 50 yards from the shore."There's a __9__ in the water!" he cried.

  In the darkness, the boys could hardly __10__ the driver through the window. "We thought we'd better get the driver out of the car now, or he was going to die," said Haire.

  Haire and Sawin, both athletes, __11__ into the cold water and swam hard to the sinking car. Inside, Miguel Hernandez, 23, was grasping the steering wheel and __12__ straight ahead in shock.

  Haire reached the car first and __13__ Hernandez to roll down the passenger­side window. Haire climbed inside and tried hard to __14__ Hernandez's seat belt. Then water began pouring into the car, causing it to slip toward the __15__ of the lake.

  Haire climbed out of the open __16__, and then he and Sawin pulled Hernandez out of the car and put him to the shore as the car sank __17__ into the blackness below.

"The __18__ of events that led us there were the craziest coincidence ever," said