优质课《Module6 Unit1 Can I have some sweets》教学设计
优质课《Module6 Unit1 Can I have some sweets》教学设计第3页

 Step1: Warm up(热身)

1. Please look here and answer my question.

T:(师跳起来说:)" Can you jump high ?"

Ss:(学生配合老师做出动作,并回答:)"Yes , I can "

T:(师做跳远的动作并说:)"Can you jump far/run fast / run slowly?"

Ss: (学生边动作边说:)"Yes , I can ."

T:(然后师再做动作问:)"Can I run fast ?"(故意做的很慢)

Ss:(帮助学生回答:)" Sorry , you can't ."

T:(然后师再做动作问:)"Can I run fast ?"(故意做的很快)

Ss:(帮助学生回答:)" Yes, you can. "

Step2: Lead in (导入)

1. 课件出示图片,以guessing的方式教授新词sweets, soup, bread.

2. 学习并操练have some...

3. 学习并操练Can I have some...?

Step3: Learning the text

1. Listen and answer

Listen and tick: What food does Amy want?

2. Listen again and learn the text.

〔在学习难点句子时,老师利用肢体语言帮助学生理解句意,"Turn on the light ."(做开灯的动作)" I can't see . It's very dark."(双手伸出做摸的动作 ),师生共同边做动作边说这些句子。〕



T:(老师让四个同学到前面来每人手里拿一张食物图画,老师过去问)"Can I have some ...?"

Ss1:(被问的第一个学生说)"Yes ,you can。然后把图片交给老师。Ss1:(第一个同学去问下一个同学)"Can I have some ...?"

Ss2: Yes ,you can .\Sorry ,you can't.



Step5:Home work(家庭作业)

根据老师的动作和提问用"yes ,I can 或者no, I can't"回答教师提出的问题。

趣味学习新单词"sweets、bread、soup并学习句型Can I have some...?并用"Yes ,you can 或者Sorry ,you can't."来回答。

Learn the text


             Module6 Unit1

Can I have some sweets?

Yes ,you can .

Sorry ,you can't.