1. 四会词汇
explorer, brave, adventurous, artist, bright, curious, sail, gold, preserve, discovery, valley, riches, empty, strangely, present, fever, secretary, shortly, within, coincidence, scientific, virus, fresh, disturb, result, illness, examine, certain, full, finally, ancient, compare, express, childhood, organize, base, maker, survivor, captain, warning, iceberg, survive, westerner, once, orbit, astronaut, north-eastern, task, position, commander, quality, successful, indeed, manage, live
2. 认读词汇
curse, mummy, contact, qualified, psychological
3. 短语
set sail, as well as, right away, pay off, a great deal of 语法 Past perfect tense
It was the most important tomb that had ever been found.
Upon entering the tomb, Carter's lucky pet bird, which had led him to the place, was eaten by a snake. 重点句子
1. Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known. P42
2. Upon their entering the tomb, Carter's lucky pet bird, which had left in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake. P42
3. Within seven years, 21 people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died. P43
4. What is certain, though, is that 'the curse of the mummy' remains a riddle to this day. P43
III. 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
本单元以Amazing people为话题,介绍了几位有杰出贡献的人物。旨在通过本单元的学习,使学生了解探险家Howard Carter的成长经历及其最令人惊奇的发现;能模仿课文描述自己心目中的杰出人物及其贡献;同时培养学生预测文章内容的能力;能通过具体语境学习新单词;学习有关后缀的知识及有关职业的词汇。本单元的主要任务是写一篇传记。要求学生通过掌握三种技能运用三个步骤来完成这一任务。本单元的最终目标落实在Project部分,要求学生通过小组活动形式完成一个关于一位专业人士的传记故事,并向班内同学展示其活动成果。本单元的话题可引起学生的思考,使他们学习杰出人物所具有的优秀品质,树立远大理想,在今后的学习生活中逐步培养坚韧不拔、勤于思考的优良品质,成为推动社会进步的有用人才。
1.1 Welcome to the unit 是本单元的一个热身活动,介绍了四位在各自领域做出杰出贡献的人物,引导学生讨论他们的成就对今天生活的影响,从而引出本单元的话题:Amazing people。
1.2 Reading 包括A、B、C、D、E和F 五项活动。A部分设置了三个阅读理解题,要求学生根据题目及第一段话预测课文内容,并在快速阅读后找出相关细节信息。B部分是一篇关于著名探险家Howard Carter 的探险故事。C部分两个题目分别考