
通过快读法,提高归纳能力。 Step 1. While-reading


Ask the students to read the passage quickly and silently to divide 5 paragraphs into 3 parts ,then get the general idea of each part.

Step 2 .Careful-reading

Fill in the following tables according to the passage.,and show answers in the class. Retell the text according to the time and events of the passage.

提示:准确抓住细节信息,如Time, Event等是高考能力要求。

活学活用:在班上大胆表达你的梦想。 Step 3 . What is Li Ning'dream? And your dream?

key: Ss: To open a school for gymnasts to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.

巩固案( 5 minutes)