Unit7 What's the highest moutain in the world教案教学设计5
Unit7 What's the highest moutain in the world教案教学设计5第2页

Teaching steps Know ledge object

1 Master the key words and expressions.

2 Learn to compare facts and figures.

3 Develop students;reading and comprehensive skills.

Progress and method

Employ task-based teaching mode,and get the students to learn basic sentence patterns by listening and drilling.

:Emotion attitudes and value

.Lead students to love the nature.

Teaching difficulties and focuses

1 Master the new words and expressioms.

Section A 1 (1a -1c)

Step 1 Presentation

square n. 平方 meter n. 米 deep adj. 深的

desert n. 沙漠 population n. 人口 population n. 人口

Asia n. 亚洲 tour v. n. 旅行 tourist n. 旅行者

wall n. 墙 amazing adj. 令人大为惊奇的

ancient adj. 古代的 wide adj. 宽的;宽阔和

Step 2 Warming-up

1. Watch the photos and talk about them "How big/high/long/big is ...?' and help the students to answer: It's ...meters/kilometers/cm big/high/long/big.

2. Look these photos and practice the dialogue:

 e.g. A: How high is Qomolangma?

B: It's 8,844 meters high.

Step 3 1a Match the facts you know.

Practice in pairs using the information in 1a.