always did.
Pengwei followed Li Maochang into a newly-opened small restaurant at the end of the street. There was a sign in the window.
Tired of all that fat? Want to be thinner?
Come inside to Yong Hui's slimming restaurant.
Only slimming foods served here.
Make yourself thin again!
Curiosity drove Wang Pengwei inside. It was full of people.A very thin lady came forward. "Welcome!" she said, My name is Yong Hui. I will take all that fat off you in two weeks if you eat here every day." Then she gave a menu to Wang Pengwei. There were only two kinds of food and one drink on it: raw vegetables, fruit and water. Wang Pengwei was amased at this and especially at the prices. It cost more than a good meal in his own restanrant. He could not believe his eyes! He threw away the menu and hurried outside. On his way home he thought about his own menu. Did it make people fat? He wonder if he should go to the library to find out. He couldn't have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He had better do some research!
After reading, he realized what was wrong with Yong Hui's restaurant. It was not giving its customers energy-giving food! After eating in her restaurant people would become tired very quickly, perhaps this was a way to win his customers back! Pengwei wrote his own sign. It said:
Want to feel fit?
Come and eat here!
Our food gives you energy all day!
The competition between the two restaurants was on!
2. True or False
1) Usually Wang Pengwei's restaurant was full of people. _______
2) He provided a balanced diet in his menu. _______
Yong Hui served a balanced diet. _______