高三英语复习学案SBII units3—4(新人教版)
高三英语复习学案SBII units3—4(新人教版)第2页

3. pull down 拆毁,推毁

4. compare with 与......比较

5. act as 充当,扮演,担当

6. belong to 属于

7. fill up with 用......填满

8. call up 打电话,唤起,使想起

9. stand out 突出,显眼

10. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起,提醒某人某事

11. lead to 通往,导致

12. get through 通过,完成,接通(电话)

13. send for 派人请......,叫人拿......

14. contribute...to 贡献给......,向......投稿

15. come into being 形成,产生

16. join...to 把......和......连起来

17. serve the purpose 管用,解决问题

18. set...aside 把......放在一边


1. I'd prefer living in a modem flat.

2. I'd rather live in a traditional siheyuan.

3. I'm much more interested in doing sth.

4. I wouldn't feel happy if 1 lived in a block.

5. I don't get very excited about old-style houses.

6. What I like is ...

7. I can' t stand doing sth.


11. absence n. 缺席,缺乏,不在

形容词 absent,通常与 from 连用。反义词分别为

presence (n.),present(adj.)。

Her absence from the meeting made the manager



In the absence of water, plants don't grow.


1. design vt. 设计,计划;n. 款式,没计

(1) 动词用法

The tower is perfectly designed.


Was it designed, or did it just happen?


(2) 名词用法

The suit of cbtheslooks beautifulin design.


His design wasn't accepted.


【考点1】design 的用法