
3. The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight.

4. He reflected before answering my question.

a. 表明,表达 b. 反映,映出(影像)

c. 认真思考,沉思 d. 反射

【自我归纳】reflect在以上各句中的意思分别为:1→________;2→ ________;3→ ________;4→ ________。


1. The trees are clearly reflected in the lake.


2. I have never reflected how difficult it would be to complete this work.


3. The pavement reflects heat on a hot day.


4. Many newspapers reflect the opinions of the children.




【自我归纳】 of


1. No one knows who took the money, but the police suspect the young man with brown hair.

2. He was suspected to have given false information. / He was suspected of giving false information.

3. If you think the package is suspect, do not open it.


【自我归纳】 b; a; d; c


1. 树木清晰地映在湖中。

2. 我从未考虑过完成这项工作有多困难。