2018-2019学年牛津译林版江苏地区高一英语必修1教案:Unit1《School Life》Project
2018-2019学年牛津译林版江苏地区高一英语必修1教案:Unit1《School Life》Project第2页

1. It is run by the students for the school.

run vt. 经营,管理;开动(机器),驾驶;在...上跑来跑去

vi 跑步;行驶;流淌;竞选

n. 跑 run after run into 撞上

run off 跑走 run for 竞选

(1)I want to know who is running the supermarket?

(2) Tom can't run a truck.

(3) A police car is running in the direction of Nanjing.

(4) Bruce is preparing to run for the mayor of the city.

(5) When the horse saw the train, it broke into a run.

2. CD players were not allowed in school.

allow vt. allow sb. to do sth. allow doing sth

(1) Our school doesn't allow students to carry mobile phones.

(2) Smoking is not allowed in some public places.

3. He approved the idea.

 approve v. 通过,批准; 赞许,赞成,称许

 approve of sth /doing sth

 (1)Manager Wang's work plan hasn't been approved.

 (2)Most of the workers approved of the new rules.

4. Our club is much more than just music. 我们的俱乐部不只播放音乐。

more than常置于名词、数词,形容词、动词及从句之前,意为"不仅仅;多于;非常;不止......"。

(1)Her performance was more than good; it was perfect. 她的表演非常好,可以说是完美的。

(2)China Daily is more than a paper.

(3) The result is more than what you can imagine.


 no more than表示"只有;仅仅",相当于 "only", 强调"少"。

We have taken no more than five courses this term. 这学期我们只上了五门课。

not more than意为"不超过;不多于;至多",相当于 "at most", 客观地说明数量。

He knows not more than you do. 他知道的不及你多。

no more ... than ... 表示前者和后者一样都不......

Jack is no more diligent than John.杰克和约翰都不勤奋。

  more A than B 与其说...倒不如...

  The young man is more a worker than a singer.

5. It will continue without me.

  continue vt. 继续,连续 continue sth/doing/to do

  vi. 继续;依旧

They continued to discuss the topic after a break.