2019--2020学年度人教版必修二Unit4Wildlife Period5Using language-- Listening and writing学案(11页word版含有答案解析)
2019--2020学年度人教版必修二Unit4Wildlife Period5Using language-- Listening  and writing学案(11页word版含有答案解析)第2页

STEP1: Listening

Listen to the tape of p62attentively twice and fill in the blanks. (Discuss the answers with other Ss.) 【合作探究】


Once there was a farmer who lived with his family on a small farm.He grew rice and vegetables and made a lot of money at the market.But one of his fields was too dry to grow rice or vegetables.Every year it lay empty and the farmer worried about how he could improve this part of his farm. "perhaps I can move the river and make this land grow crops, "he thought.So he tried.He dug a ditch from the river so that the clear, clean water would reach his dry land.The river changed its course and the dry land became wetter, but the rest of the fields did not get enough water and the crops began to turn yellow and die."Oh dear, "thought the farmer, "that is not the answer."So he moved the river back to its old course.

"perhaps I can dig a well, "he thought, "and that will make the land grow crops."So he dug a deep well.The water that came up from the well was clear and clean and made the dry land wet and ready to grow crops.But the farmer's neighbours came running to see him, "You are taking our water.It has disappeared from our wells since you dug yours."They said, "If you continue to do that we shall have no crops for