2019届高考英语译林版必修4探究学案:Unit 1 Period Six Word版含答案
2019届高考英语译林版必修4探究学案:Unit 1 Period Six  Word版含答案第3页


be used to: 1) 习惯于......;2) 被用来【比较】get used to(变得)习惯于

1) Having been living in the city for many years, Miss White is quite used to city life.

2) It takes time for people to get used to the new environment when they move to live in another place.

3) I've got used to getting up early. 我已经习惯于早起了。(说明:这里的to为"介词")

3) Oxygen can be used to promote burning. 氧气可以被用来助燃。

2. Nowadays, we can find advertisement almost wherever we go. 如今,无论我们走到哪里,几乎到处都能发现广告。(p.2)

=Nowadays, we can find advertisement, no matter where we go.


上面的词在句子中如果引导"让步状语从句",可以用No matter替换。如:

1) Whatever you do, you must do it well.无论你做什么,你都必须把它做好。

  = No matter what you do, you must do it well. (做"让步状语从句"时,可以用No matter...替换)

 2) Whoever you are, you must obey(服从) the rules(规章制度) here. = No matter who you are, you must obey the rules here.

3) Wherever you go, you must remember you're Chinese.=No matter where you go, you must remember you're Chinese.

然而,whatever, whoever, wherever等词引导从句作"主语"、"宾语"、"定语"以及"地点状语"时,不可以用No matter替换。如:

 1) Whatever we eat must be good for our health.无论我们吃什么都必须对身体有好处。(做"主语"时,不可以用No matter...替换)

2) The child eats whatever we eat. 我们吃什么这孩子就吃什么。(做"宾语"时,这里不可以用No matter...替换)

3) You can put the book wherever you like. 这本书你想放到哪儿都行。(做"地点状语"时,这里不可以用No matter...替换)

3. An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or service, or to believe in an idea. (p.2)


persuade:(成功地)说服 【比较】advise: 劝说(说明:未必成功)

1) His friends failed to persuade him to go on the outdoor camping trip. 他朋友没能说服他去户外露营。

2) If he doesn't want to do it, no one can persuade him to do it. 如果他不想做,没人能说服他。

3) We tried to persuade Mr. Pan to give up smoking but failed. 我们曾劝潘老师戒烟,可是没成功。(persuade sb. to do sth.)

4) Police are advising people to stay at home. 警察劝民众留在家里。(advise sb. to do sth.)

5) Michelle advised me not to believe every advertisement I read. 米歇尔劝我不要相信所读的每一条广告。

believe sb. 【比较】 believe in sb./sth.

1) Don't believe him. 别信他的话。(believe sb. = 相信......的话) = Don't believe what he (has) said.

2) You can believe in him. 你可以信赖他。(believe in sb.=信赖<某人>)

3) Do you believe in God? 你相信上帝的存在吗?(believe in sb./sth. = 相信......的存在)

4) Do you believe in UFO? 你相信不明飞行物的存在吗?

4. We still must be aware of the skilful methods used in ads to try and sell us things. (p.2)


类似的句子:We must be aware of the tricks used in ads to persuade us to buys what we don't really need.



(be) aware of的用法:

1) It is important to make people aware of the danger of smoking. 使人们意识到抽烟的危险性很重要。(make sb. aware of...)

2) He doesn't seem to be aware of their negative attitude towards his proposal. 他似乎没有意识到他们对他提案的消极态度。

5. Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent. (p.2)


1) Even if it rains, we shall leave. 即使(即便)天下雨,我们也要离开。

2) Even if you take a taxi right now, you'll miss the flight. 即使(即便)你现在打的去,你还是赶不上班机。

3) Even if it was an innocent comment, what you said has hurt his feelings.


6. When it comes to advertisements, we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them. (p.3)

谈及广告,我们都必须运用自己的智慧,而不要做广告的奴隶。 (说明:come to中的to为"介词")

1) Whenever it comes to football, he gets excited and active. 每当谈及到足球,他就变得激动而活跃。