2019学年度北师大版选修七Period Four Communication Workshop,Language Awareness 4,Culture Corner学案设计(15页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Period Four Communication Workshop,Language Awareness 4,Culture Corner学案设计(15页word版)第3页

Australia,Britain,Canada,1.Ireland,Jamaica,New Zealand,South Africa and the United States ·as a first language 2.India,Kenya,Nigeria,Pakistan,3.Singapore and Sri Lanka ·as a second language How did English become a world language British English ·In 1607,British rulers established a 4.colony in Virginia.

·In 1780s,the Americans won their 5.independence from Britain. American English ·In 1806,Noah Webster 6.published his first Dictionary of American English.

·After 1848,it was also influenced by 7.immigration from Germany,Central Europe and Italy. Canadian English ·In 1782,British 8.loyalists moved north into Canada. Australian English ·In 1788,the first British 9.prisoners were sent away to Australia as punishment. New Zealand English ·In 1840,New Zealand English started with the 10.treaty between the British and the Maoris in New Zealand.   


  1.New Future Language School-The right choice for all applicants.新未来语言学校--所有申请者的正确选择。


  (1)applicant n.申请者;请求者(尤指求职者)

  (2)application n.申请;申请书/表

  (3)apply v.申请;运用,应用;涂,敷;适用

  apply for申请......

  apply to...向......申请;适用于......


  apply oneself/one's mind to (doing) sth.专心于(做)某事

  (1)There is an astonishing number of applicants for the job.


  (2)We should apply what we have learned at school to daily life.
