外研版英语教研课《Module5 Unit1 I was two then》教学设计
外研版英语教研课《Module5 Unit1 I was two then》教学设计第3页

 (1)Amy comes to lingling's home.she is intrested in the old photos.let's have a look.

(2) listen to the tape and draw the new words.

(3)出示自己爷爷奶奶现在的照片,教授grandparent(s),and They are my grandparents,Now,They are old.

(4)Compare "now" and "then". (出示幻灯片)


(7)Listen and repeat.

(8)Listen and anser the questrions:(出示幻灯片)

(9)Read and act.



(1) Introduce yourself or your famliy.(让学生拿自己或者家人的照片到讲台前介绍,教师可以随机拿几张让学生猜猜是谁,再让学生到讲台前描述一下自己或家人的过去和现在。)

(2) 出示课件,让学生用学过的句子练习。

Step5:Class closing and homework

1. Today we leant ......(学生小结,说一说我学会了什么)

2. Write some changes about yourself.please use"was 、were、then、am/is 、are、now"(写一写自己的变化)