【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world period 5 grammar and usage》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world period 5 grammar and usage》第3页

1. voice;

2. decide the tense of the sentence and use the related form of its passive;

3. if necessary, use by to join the former subject, which should be put into its object form.

Some exercises:

I. Change the following sentences into the Future Passive Voice and ask questions about the underlined parts:

1. We will build many new sports venues for Beijing Olympics.

2. I will watch the final match on TV.

3. John will carry the Canadian flag at the opening of the Olympics.

4. We will make the flags by hand.

5. I will take care of your pet dog while you are away.

6. We will spend almost 100 million Yuan on this program.

II. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given.

1. I _______ ( give) a new book by my father on my last birthday.

2. English ______( find) very useful.

3. Your pen _______( write) quite smoothly.

4. Meat _________(cut) easily.

5. This shirt _______(feel) much softer than that one.

6. The problem requires ________( study) with great care.

7. The question is easy _______(answer).

8. Nobody was ________(blame) for the accident.

9. The work _______(finish) tomorrow.

10. The flowers ________(water) by them now.

Help the students learn some special passive patterns Let them read Point 4 carefully.

Step III Practice

In this step, the students will practice using the passive voice in a report article.

Give the students several minutes to read the four exhibit and find the sentences with the active voice and change them into the passive voice. After that, let the students complete the following report on Page 49.

After students finish it, check the answers. Then let them read the sentences in the passive voice in the report.

Step IV.




3. 复合宾语结构。

在主动语态中, 有些使役动词和感观动词后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。 但在被动语态中,要改为带to的不定式作主语补足语。如:see/hear/make sb. do sth.

Sb. be seen/heard/made to do sth.


情态动词+ be+ 过去分词

5。短语动词结构。相当于及物动词的短语动词也可以有被动语态。 如:look after, give up, take care of, pay attention to, make use of, put off, wake up, put out 等。
