2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit 10 money
2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit 10 money第2页

34.cleaner['kli:nə]清洁工 记忆:clean+er

35.amusement[ə'mju:zmənt] 乐趣 记忆:amuse()+ment

To our amusement, none of cleaners turned up.

36.diamond['daiəmənd] 钻石 It is a pity that she lost her diamonds in the party.

37.cookie['kuki] 小甜饼 Would you like some cookie?

38.soil [sɔil] ,泥土,土壤[U][C] Some soils are not suitable for farming .

39.laptop['læptɔp]手提电脑 记忆: lap+top

40. refrigerator[ri'fridʒə,reitə] 电冰箱 Both his refrigerator and laptop are second hand.

41.translation[træns'leiʃən] 翻译[(+from/to)] headphone translate( )

42.crop[krɔp] 作物,庄稼 43.valley['væli] 山谷

All crops grow good in the valley.

44.homeland ( ) home+land motherland ( ) mother+land

45.software ['sɔftwɛə] 软件 记忆:soft+ware

46.importance[im'pɔ:təns] 重要的 It is important to update the software.

47.economy[i'kɔnəmi] 经济; The nation's economy is growing rapidly.

48.customer['kʌstəmə] 顾客;买主 The customers was annoyed at the bad headphone .

49.wire['waiə] 金属丝 50.headphone['hedfəun] 头戴式耳机

  I like the headphone without wires.

51.signal['signəl] 信号 记忆:sign+al

   Some signals are of great importance; others are no use.

52.freedom['fri:dəm] 自由;独立自主[(+of)][+to-v] 记忆:free( )+dom

53.photograph['fəutəgrɑ:f] 照片 记忆:photo+graph

54.textbook['tekstbuk] 课本 记忆:text+book

  There is a photograph in my textbook..

54.disk[disk] 碟 盘 记忆:risk( )


55.exist[ig'zist] 存在 记忆:existence ( )

The word "difficulty" doesn't exist in my dictionary.

56.bow( ) how ( ) low ( ) cow( ) now ( ) sow ( )

57.motivate['məuti,veit] 给...动机;激发 58.defeat[di'fi:t] 战胜,击败

 The idea motivated him defeat his enemy.

59.earn[ə:n] 赚得,挣得 He is out of work, so he can't earn much money.

60.determine[di'tə:min] 决定[+to-v][+(that)]

She determined to do that that very afternoon.

61.appeal[ə'pi:l] 记忆: appear ( )

1)呼吁,恳求[(+to/for)][+to-v] He appealed to me for help.

2)有吸引力[(+to)] It appears that the product appeal to them.

62.balance['bæləns] 平衡,均衡 It is necessary to balance your diet.

63.puzzle['pʌzl] 使迷惑;使为难,使窘困

v.What puzzles me is why they didn't show up.

  adj.He looked a little puzzled.

64.behave[bi'heiv] 表现,行为举止

The young lady behaved bravely in the face of danger.

65.advance[əd'vɑ:ns] 前进;向前移动[(+on/upon/against)]

She advanced on him silently.