2019-2020学年译林版高中英语优化教案:必修八 Unit 1 The written word
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语优化教案:必修八    Unit  1  The written word第3页

  3.Uncle Tom's Cabin 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》

  4.The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》

  5.Anderson's Fairy Tales 《安徒生童话集》

  6.Grimm's Fairy Tales 《格林童话集》

  7.Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》

  8.Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》

  9.Jane Eyre 《简·爱》

  10.Robinson Crusoe 《鲁滨逊漂流记》

  11.Gone with the Wind 《飘》(《乱世佳人》)

  12.A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》

  13.Tales from a Thousand and One Nights《天方夜谭》 (《一千零一夜》)

  14.Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》

  15.Aesop's Fables 《伊索寓言》

  16.The Million Pound Bank Note 《百万英镑》




  *1.on_the_run 躲避;忙碌      *2.live_up_to 达到,符合(期望)

  *5.touch_on 谈及,涉及  6.in_tune_ 音调准确;演奏合调

   7.let_out 放大;泄露;发出  8.pick_up 捡起;获得;学会

  *13.appeal_to 吸引;呼吁  14.consist_of 由......组成

   15.be_adapted_from 由......改编

  *16.(be)_bent_on_(doing)_sth. 决心做某事

   17.be_intended_to_be/do_sth. 目的是作为某物,目的是做某事


  1.In his speech he was only able to touch_on a few aspects of the problem.

  2.The show lived_up_to all our expectations - it was wonderful.

  3.I really can't put up with her.It seems that she is_bent_on making everything difficult for me.

  4.When we are living on_the_run for a long time, we often feel exhausted.

5.We expect your newspaper to appeal_to the public to pay more attention to environmental