2018-2019学年英语新导学浙江专用选修七讲义:Unit 3-Period Two Word版含答案
2018-2019学年英语新导学浙江专用选修七讲义:Unit 3-Period Two Word版含答案第2页


There were other creatures that I didn't want to get too close to-an eel with its strong sharp teeth,with only its head showing(show) from a hole,watching for a tasty fish (or my tasty toe!)...



Then there were two grey reef sharks,each about one and a half metres long,which suddenly appeared from behind some coral.然后有两条约1.5米长的灰色的珊瑚礁鲨突然从珊瑚礁后面游了出来。

4.where...,there be...在有......的地方,就有......

The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended,there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.



1.The corals were fantastic-they were shaped like various things,such as fans,plates,mushrooms and so on.(T)

2.The fish seemed to welcome the author's swimming among them.(F)

3.There were some big fish that cleaned the bodies of smaller fish.(F)

4.The author liked to get close to eels with strong sharp teeth.(F)

5.Although the sharks were not dangerous,the author still felt scared to death for a moment.(T)


1.In the diary,the author mainly wants to tell us .

A.what he saw in the sea

B.how the fish eat in the sea

C.the vivid colours in the sea

D.all the plants in the sea are poisonous

答案 A

2.The writer first became aware of .

A.all the animals that he saw

B.all the vivid colours surrounding him

C.all the pictures he took