2018-2019学年北师大版英语高二选修6教案Unit18Lesson 3
2018-2019学年北师大版英语高二选修6教案Unit18Lesson 3第4页

■Read the example to the class then give a few of your own examples using the words in 1-8.

■ Now get the students to work in pairs and come up with their own image or descriptions.

■ Students can share some of their ideas with the class.


1 As beautiful as a summer's day 2 As white as a dove 3. He loved money more than he loved his own life 4. as hard as nails; 5. as light as a feather 6. no time even to eat or sleep 7 as quiet as a mouse 8. as strong as lion



Have students look back at the poems. Working in groups of four, students practise reading the poems aloud, each reads one sentence in Li Bai's poems and one stanza of Daffodils. Then each reads a whole poem to the group.

Go round and monitor the activity. Correct students' pronunciation where necessary.


Have students look back at the Key Words in Exercise 2. Students work individually, each writing a description of a certain scene and building, using some of the Key Words, and other descriptive vocabulary.

Tell students not to mention what scenes and buildings are in their description.

In groups, each student reads his/her description in the group and let the others guess the scene and building.