【学无止境】2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案:Unit3:Reading (2-1) The curse of the mummy同步授课教案
【学无止境】2018-2019学年译林牛津版高中英语必修二教案:Unit3:Reading (2-1) The curse of the mummy同步授课教案第3页

T: Since you've gotten so many related topics on the mummy. Do you want to identify your suspicion? Guide Ss to read the first paragraph and then make a comparison.


Based on the title Based on the first paragraph Expectations are too _____.

(general,abstract) Expectations are more _______.


Comments: The first paragraph usually tells us what the reading passage will be about. So please pay special attention to it, for it just be like a light-tower to give you a guidance.

Step 3 Reading comprehension (1 min)

1. Skimming

Ask Ss to skim the passage as quickly as possible and complete the 3 questions in Part A on page 42.(This exercise is done easily because Q1 and Q2 both have been discussed before)

1. Careful reading (20 mins)

Para 1