免费下载原创《Module9 Unit2 He's a doctor》教学设计教案
免费下载原创《Module9 Unit2 He's a doctor》教学设计教案第2页

T: Good,all of you have a card with your job on it. 同学们手上都有一张小纸片,纸上的单词代表了你们的职业。So, who is the driver? Stand up.

Read the word aloud.

T: 指着一个学生。Boys and girls, ### is a driver. We can say he's a driver. Follow me, he's a driver. (带读) 指另一个学生,让其他同学说出句子。

T: good.

T: 指着一个女生, ### is a driver, too. So we say ... (强调此处用she) she's a driver. (带读) 指另一个学生,让其他同学说出句子。

T: Great. Look at the picture. What is he?(引导学生自己说出来)He's a driver.

T: They get on the bus, but the driver doesn't know the way to hospital. At this time, a farmer is coming. Look, this is the farmer. (带读) Farmer, farmer, farmer, farmer, farmer.



T: Who is "farmer" stand up? Read aloud, please.


T: Wonderful. 指着一个学生。Boys and girls, ### is a farmer. We can say he's a farmer. Follow me, he's a farmer. (带读) 指另一个学生,让其他同学说出句子。

T: good.

T: 指着一个女生, ### is a farmer, too. So we say ... (强调此处用she) she's a farmer. (带读) 指另一个学生,让其他同学说出句子。

T: Great. Look at the picture. What is he?(引导学生自己说出来)He's a farmer.

T: Daming asks the farmer the way. The farmer doesn't know the way, either. So how can they do?


T: listen, guess who can help?


T: Bingo. Policeman can help them. Follow me, policeman, policeman, policeman, policeman.

(传单词) pass the word.


T: Finally, they go to the hospital. And who can help them?


T: Yes, doctor and nurse. Look, he's a doctor. She's a nurse. (引导学生慢慢说出)

(单词卡) doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor升降调

(row by row)一排一排读

Write it together. D-o-c-t-o-r, doctor, d-o-c-t-c-r, doctor. (板书)

带读Nurse, nurse, nurse.

Clap the word, nurse, nurse, nurse.

Stamp the word, nurse, nurse, nurse.

T: well done. The doctor and nurse help Daming, so he is well soon. The story is over, let's go over the story again.