native customs, rituals
He has a great deal of native intelligence, ability, charm etc
(指动/植物等) 原产于某地的
Plants native to America
生来就说某种语言的人 native speaker
A native speaker of French
母语 native language
5 accent(n)
In the word 'today' the accent is on the second syllable.
Speak English with a foreign accent
In all our products the accent is on quality
6 unbelievable (adj)
unbelievable facts, luck, experience
believe(v)/ belief(n)/believable(adj)
believe in sth/doing sth 相信某人/某事物的存在; 相信某人/某事物; 肯定某事物的价值或正确性
I believe in God.
I believe in his good character.
He believe in getting plenty of exercise.
believe sb 相信某事物的真实性;认为某人的话属实
I believe him/what he says.
I'm innocent, please believe me.
7 tradition (n) 传统,信仰或风俗的世代相传
traditional(adj)/ traditionally(adv)
By tradion , people play practical jokes on 1 April.