2018-2019学年译林版高中英语牛津版必修一学案:Unit3Looking good,feeling good《Word power》学案1
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语牛津版必修一学案:Unit3Looking good,feeling good《Word power》学案1第1页

 Unit3 Word power学案

1. be dying to do/ for =have a strong desire to do =be anxious/eager to do/ for

I'm dying for something to eat.

I'm dying for a drink at the moment.

 I'm dying to see you.

 She's dying to know where you've been.

There was a time when many people were dying to go abroad.

2. hear from sb.=receive one's letter

 I'm looking forward to hearing from you. / receiving your letter.

3. be okay with sb.= go well with

4. I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don't work out any more.

1) used to do sth be/get used to sth/ doing sth use sth to do sth be used to do sth 区别和用法

 It used to be thought that the Earth was flat, but now everyone knows it is round.

 Dr Ma used to work in a children's hospital in Nanjing, usedn't /didn't he?

 I never got used to going to bed so late.

 Computers are used to do a lot of work in many companies.

2) work out

a) exercise to improve physical fitness

The famous actors keep fit by working out in the gym every day.

John usually works out in the gym two hours a day.

b) calculate/ find the answer to sth. , solve sth.

  I have worked out the expenses of the month.

  I spent a whole day trying to work out the words in the word puzzle.

c) plan sth. 计划,设计

We must work out a plan as quickly as possible.

d) turn out 结果

  Things worked out quite well.

  We didn't plan our art exhibition, but it worked out very well.

5. stay link v. continue in a certain state

The library stays open till 6 o'clock..

You must get enough sleep to stay healthy.

He stays single though he is over 30.

One can't expect to stay young forever.

It's said that the weather will stay hot for another three or four days.

They stayed friends for years.

6. figure

a) n.

 She has an attractive figure. (体态)

 How does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much?

He has become a figure known to everyone. (人物,名人)

Where did you get those figures? (数字)

Add up these figures.