2019学年度北师大版选修七Period Four Communication Workshop,Language Awareness 4,Culture Corner学案设计(15页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Period Four Communication Workshop,Language Awareness 4,Culture Corner学案设计(15页word版)第2页




  1.Thirdly,you say that there is a discount provided_that_I_pay_in_advance.


  2.They are so_interesting_that I watch them again and again.



  Ⅰ.课文阅读理解(Communication Workshop)

  1.According to the advertisement,if one wants to be a success in the business world,he needs ________.

  A.a high Business English Diploma

  B.high level of English competence

  C.the ability of teamwork

  D.the skills in marketing and advertising

  答案 B

  2.What is the cost of one 6-week session,according to the ad?

  A.1,500 pounds. B.1,500 dollars.

  C.1,500 yuan. D.1,500 cents.

  答案 C

  3.How many pieces of information does the writer of the letter want to clarify?

  A.4. B.5.

  C.6. D.7.

  答案 C

  4.We should write the letter asking for information in a ________ style.

  A.formal B.informal

  C.casual D.cautious

  答案 A

  Ⅱ.课文阅读填空(Culture Corner)

  English Around the World

Countries where English is spoken