八下英语Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents重难点14
八下英语Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents重难点14第3页

 ring sb up give sb a ring/call phone sb make a phone call to sb call sb


1) Don't call up Mary. Don't ________ _______ _______- _______ ______-Mary.

2) She often calls up her old classmates. She often ______- _________her old classmates.

6. communicate v.交流信息;沟通

I can't communicate with them at he moment

communication n.j交流

Speech ans writing are men's most important methods of communication.


People choose to keep in touch with their friends by e-mail .The underlined part means______.

7. argue 争吵,争论

argue 作不及物动词,名词形式为argument,have an argument with sb. "与某人争论"

I had an argument with my best friend.

argue with sb 与某人争论,其中argue有"争辩,争论"的意思,常指根据一定的理由想要说服他人。

I had an argument with my best friend.

Don't argue with your mother.

如果表示"为某事与某人争辩"时,常用argue with sb. about sth.

They're always arguing with each other about money.



There is no need arguing about the matter.

We are going to discuss the question.

【练习】I never argue ______-my parents . A.in B.to C.for D.with

Do what you were ordered and don't ________me.

A.quarrel B.argue C.argue with D.discuss

8. instead 代替,顶替

【辨析】 instead 与instead of

单词/短语 词性 意义或用法 instead 副词 指舍去前面的成分而取后面的成分,可单独使用,位于句首或句尾。 instead of 介词(短语) 指舍去后面的成分而取前面的成分,不能单独使用 He didn't answer ;instead ,he asked his father.

We eat noodles instead of rice sometimes.

【练习】What a nice day!We should go sightseeing ______watching TV in the hotel.

A.because of B.together with C.instead of D..out

9. offer V.提供;提出,建议

(1)offer "提供",其后可接双宾语,即offer sb sth.=offer sth to sb.

She offers the old man a cup of tea.=She offers a cup of tea to the old man.