1.This stands for the World Wide Web,also the first part of a web address.
stand for (指缩写或符号)是......意思;代表,象征;支持,主张
stand against反对
stand by站在旁边;旁观;支持
stand out显眼,突出
(1)It's even easier to follow if we know what all of these stand for.
(2)When you stand for your liberty,we will stand with you.
(3)We are not able to stand against the truth.
①Her bright clothes always make her stand in a crowd.
②No matter what happens,I will stand you.
③We stand equality among all nations,big or small.
(2)This organization is a popular community,I think, the benefit of the majority of people.
A.stands for B.standing for
C.competes for D.competing for
2.Thomas Edison was fired from his first two jobs for lack of competence.
(1)competence n.能力,胜任;技能,本领
competence in sth./in doing sth.......的能力;胜任......
(2)competent adj.有能力的,能胜任的;能干的
be competent to do sth.能胜任做某事