英语:2010一轮复习教学案 units1-2(新人教版必修3)
英语:2010一轮复习教学案 units1-2(新人教版必修3)第5页

 2. A group of 80 planes, ___________ (lead) by Lieutenant Commander Egusha, was on its way to attack.

 3. £45,000 _________ (award) to a typist with an injured hand.

 4. Doctors ___________ (research) into the causes of the disease believe they may have found a cure.

 5. The boy stood there without _________ (dare; say) a word.

 6. Men hold most of the top jobs, and this _________ (limit) women's opportunities for promotion.

 7. Since the ground is wet, it ___________ (rain) last night.

 8. Many people enjoy _________ (combine) a holiday with learning a new skill.


 1. 好学生永远不会对学习感到厌倦。(be tired of)

 2. 大家都对他的改变很惊讶。(be amazed at)

 3. 我不会让你久等的。(have sb. doing)

 4. 这个计划会让所有老人受益,同时,他们的子女也能从中受益。(benefit from)

 5. 我们怎样才能除掉房间里的苍蝇?(get rid of)