2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Communication Workshop 教案设计(2页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Communication Workshop 教案设计(2页word版)第1页

2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Communication Workshop 教案设计

    Should people in comas be kept on life support machines?

             阅读写作课: By Jin Yun

Module 7 Unit 21 Communication Workshop

 Designer Jin Yun  Subject English School Tsinghua High School Textbook  Senior High English (Module 7) published by BNUP Lesson Duration one period for 40 minutes

Teaching Content Topic: Should people in comas be kept on life support machines

Vocabulary: expose temporary numb sacred decline coma

Skills: speaking, reading , writing

Objectives By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to :

① write a discursive essay

② use some contrast linkers                 Facilities Multimedia and Blackboard

Procedures Procedure Activities Interaction Aims Stage 1-

Lead in Reading :

What is a discursive essay

--ask and answer

Individual work Background knowledge about the writing Stage 2-


--Guess 6 possible new words

--Check the answers

(T---S ) --To remove the barrier in basic understanding Stage 3-

First Reading

(fast reading) --Read and match

--Match headings of each paragraph

(T-S) --To train the Ss' ability in summarizing

Stage 4-

Second Reading

(careful reading) --questions

--true or false

-Paraphrase sentences

-- Write and speak

(Pair Work) --To pick out the information

preparation work for writing